Intuitive Gatherings

A fun and inspiring get-together for friends and groups of like-minded people. Using discussion, examples and exercises each person will explore their intuitive side; get to know, and learn to trust, their intuition.

"Knowing" the Tarot

Learn how to read Tarot cards through storytelling. What does the card look like? How does it make you feel? What else might be going on? This workshop is as much for those who would like to learn the tarot, experiment with different decks, or who are willing to explore another way of "reading" than their own. Ultimately it is for all of us who want to know more about our inner selves. Excellent tool for writers!

"Knowing" the Self

How many times have we done something, knowing that it didn't "feel" right: if only we'd listened to ourselves… Whether you call it gut feeling, sixth sense, instinct, common sense or intuition, it's time to start paying attention to one of the greatest gifts we were all given at birth. Explore ways to become more aware of our feelings, distinguishing them from fear or cold feet. Ultimately, by honoring our intuition, we learn to begin trusting ourselves.

Creating Women

Share some gentle, peaceful time with other women, finding ourselves in the joy of creating. We'll being by exploring the wonder of having our own sacred space and discuss what we want to honour there. We'll decorate our altars while learning the significance of colors, crystals and symbols, creating a comforting place to write, meditate, pray, be thankful or simply dream… We'll explore how each of us would define our own personal goddess ~ then lovingly make her! We'll create a wish bath ritual for ourselves using colors, crystals, flowers and oils – and take the time to daydream about what we really wish for in our lives. Don't worry about being "creative" ~ we'll be sharing each others unique gifts, talents, hopes and dreams.

Road Map to your Dreams

What is it you really want? Whether it be that dream house, relationship, career, financial abundance, lifestyle, or your soul's purpose, spend some time exploring your desires and identifying what is really important to you. Using the same process that designers use to bring their dreams into physical reality, you will envision the details and design your own dream life, then learn how to nurture your dream. We will incorporate collage work, journaling, word play, affirmations, visioning, and feng-shui. We'll look at finding the right kind of support we need as well as eliminating stumbling blocks and self-sabotage. All tied in with some down-home advice to create a picture of the life you want… a road map to your dreams.

Living in Balance

We've all heard about Chakras, energy centres of the body, but what do they really represent and can we really "balance" them ourselves? Each week we will journey through one of the seven chakras, learning how to bring our body into physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance. Through the use of color, altars, journalling, meditation, crystals, affirmations, body movement as well as a myriad of simple and practical things we can do for ourselves we will bring back balance into our lives.


Journalling to my Self

We will begin by making our own personal journal. Using a spiral bound notebook, we'll personalize the cover by decorating it in a creative manner, letting go of pre-conceived artistic notions of design. We'll explore the benefits and advantages of keeping a journal, sharing ideas on what to record, how to use it, when to go back to it at a later date, and why even go on a journey of self-discovery / exploration at all. We'll also look at ways to trace the patterns of our lives, help break habits, and build our self-esteem. Whether working through different times in our lives or simply recording our passage here on earth, our journal is a confidante bearing witness to our thoughts, fears, hopes and dreams.

Journal to the Spirit

What, yet more to the point, how we believe is the ultimate expression of who we are. For those who have taken Journalling to my Self, this workshop goes on to explore the sacredness of our journey, gently looking at it respectfully from a spiritual and yet completely non-denominational perspective.


Writers Write

An inspiring workshop encouraging us to honor our own creativity and experiment with unusual exercises to get you writing. We'll also explore different on-line resources, activities, books and magazines. Together we'll look at ways to get around the dreaded writer's block and examine the benefits of belonging to a writer's group. Come along prepared to create... write... and share in a warm, supportive environment. A fun, information-filled workshop to get you... and keep you... writing.

Poems from my Heart

...No it definitely doesn't have to rhyme... nor do you have to know the difference between a simile or a metaphor, or even what they are! Using fun and creative exercises, working alone and in a group, we'll play with some of your past and present poems in a warm supportive environment. Listen to the words from your heart - they have a lot to say!

Crafting the Story

Discover one of the oldest and richest methods of storytelling. cultural anthropologists and psychologists are now recognizing the seventy-eight figures of the Tarot as archetypes, and the journey the cards portray representative of the collective human experience. In a unique and innovative method of exploring one image in depth, we will ask, and reply to, a series of questions. What we will uncover is a tool for imagining a poem, creating a character and/or plot for our next novel, and the makings of every good story, which always begins with…"what if?"


Art Journals

Whereas journaling tends to focus mostly on our written thoughts, Art Journals explore visually the more creative aspect of our lives. Using images, sketches, photographs, collage, poems, whether ours or others we record visually the magic and mystery of the days of our lives.

Intuitive Art

Let yourself play again with the imagination and ingenious freedom of a child. In a warm and encouraging environment, we'll take off our shoes, throw on some music, grab some tea, abandon pre-conceived ideas and let the creativity flow from within. Be amazed at what emerges when we get out of our own way and ask for the art to come through us! Inspiring and insightful for stark beginners and accomplished artists alike.